Ludic and Sports Activities Developed in Social Education Institutions
Reflections of Institutionalized Teenagers
Adolescent, sports, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
This study presents the reflections of institutionalized teenagers in relation to ludic activities and sports developed in two non-formal education institutions in the city of Maringá-PR. In the constitution of the theoretical reference of this research it was used Macedo’s multiple referentiality (2000). In the field research, it was adopted the focal group technique with the institutionalized teenagers. In the analysis related to the ludic activities and sports it was possible to observe that in both institutions there was a concern for the preparation of the teenagers for the job market, and the recreational activities and sports were not a priority but used as discipline control. We understand that these activities are cultural manifestations that must be comprehended in its possibilities and contradictions, thereby should be set as a topic of discussion and questioning.
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