Social justice and antiracist Library and Information Science


  • Kimberly Black Chicago State University



Social justice, Racism, Anti-racism, Librarianship, Information Science


This article refers to the closing lecture given by Professor Kimberly Black, from Chicago State University, at the International Meeting of Black and Antiracist Librarians (I EIBNA). This article is structured around (i) the author's position as a speaker, African-American and black librarian; (ii) later discusses the problems of racism and the promises of anti-racism; (iii) discusses anti-racism in Librarianship and Information Science; (iv) revisits international documents and guidelines to develop an action plan aimed at promoting racial justice, through library professional and, finally, indicates strategies for social justice in anti-racist communities through Librarianship and Information Science.


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How to Cite

BLACK, K. Social justice and antiracist Library and Information Science. Múltiplos Olhares em Ciência da Informação , Belo Horizonte, n. Especial, 2022. DOI: 10.35699/2237-6658.2022.39918. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.