Against the Grammarians, by Sextus Empiricus: Annotated Translation, Fourth Section (M 1. 248-269)
Sextus Empiricus, Hellenistic philosophy, scepticism, epicurism, grammar, historyAbstract
Annotated translation of section M 1. 248-269 of the treatise Against the Grammarians, written by the Pyrrhonian skeptic philosopher Sextus Empiricus (2nd century CE). In the passage translated here, following an attack on parts of Grammar (which are, according to him, technical, historical and grammatical), Sextus addresses the so-called historical part, whose scope would be to provide information about characters, fictions and myths, unusual words, and other elements from literary works. Sextus, in his argument, emphasizes the lack of method of the activity, asserting the unsystematic feature of its object, which would demonstrate that there is no tekhne involved in the grammatical enterprise as a whole. The notes to the translation intend to clarify questions underlying the Sextian argument, to justify our translational choices, and to provide information to draw parallels between the passage in question and other works by the same author or of the same period.
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