Theseus Between the Dysphoria of Glory and the Euphoria of Self – the Signals of Change in Roman Poetry
Catullus, poetae novi, classical poeticsAbstract
The present study is the result of the effort to revisit the part of a 10 year-work which had scope mainly structurally, and to submit it to a trans-disciplinary debate. The study’s initial objective is to evaluate the building of the character Theseus in Carmen LXIV of Catullus. A structuralist reading of the discourses present in the text pointed to a contraposition between the building of Theseus and Ariadne in the system in the form of the neoteric thought, + lyrical-passionate, + euphoric versus an utilitarian view of art, +heroic, +dysphoric. The initial result expansion to the trans-disciplinary debate leads to the conclusion of an autonomizing tendency indicator of Latin poetry of the 1st century B.C., to which is added other indicators reinforcing the idea of an aísthesis thought of the artwork in Classical Rome.
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