The Paradoxes of Early Modern Metaphysics


  • Nastassja Pugliese Departamento de Filosofia Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo / Brasil Author



paradoxes, Early Modern philosophy, metaphysics


This paper is an analysis of the influence of paradoxes in the history of philosophy, more specifically, on how a certain set of paradoxes shape the metaphysical discussions of Early Modernity. The goal of the paper is to show that the metaphysics of the Seventeenth Century is marked by three paradoxes that are intertwined. The hypothesis here is that these three paradoxes are versions of the same metaphysical problem, the one and many problem, but offered in three different formulations: the theological, the scientific, and the mathematical. To this end, the formulations are going to be reconstructed according to the way they are present in the metaphysical works of Spinoza, Descartes, and Leibniz. This analysis will suggest that paradoxes play a fundamental role not only in exposing the philosophical problems in the contexto of the history of philosophy, but they also fill an important methodological role in philosophical investigations. The advantage of presenting philosophical problems in the form of paradox is that paradoxes capture the intellect more easily, stimulating the mind to think thorough them.



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How to Cite

The Paradoxes of Early Modern Metaphysics. (2018). Nuntius Antiquus, 13(2), 195-213.