Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão: A Poetic Writing That Recreates the Classics
multiculturalism, kabbalah, cultural correspondences, The Classics and the OthersAbstract
The diversified cultural formation of Fiama, the multiculturalism that she embodies and that runs in her blood are the strongest reasons to make this poetic search. This is the search for life itself, and its deeper meaning, be it imbricated, labyrinthine, or conducting to a reflexive recollection in itself, or in the uterus-cave of words and ancient thought, as an initiatory collection. Thus, to pursue in her poetic work the marks of the Greco-Latin universe leads us, inevitably, to the fact that they are seldom isolated, autonomous, unrelated to other associations. Fiama puts side by side Contemporaneity and the Ancient World, diversified geographies such as The Xanthus, the Tiber and the Rhine, German and Greek poetry, the biblical universe, and the Hellenic and Roman universes.
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