For the love of Hs.


  • Ana Vicentini de Azevedo Association Psychanalytique Encore (Paris) Universidade de Brasília Author



Eros, HD, Freud, Helen, femininity, the drives, psychoanalytic practice


The paper discusses some aspects and conceptualisations of Eros, as elaborated in three different registers: the poetic work and life of the American poet Hilda Doolittle (HD); in some moments of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. The third register brings to the fore some of the ways in which this mythic notion is intertwined in Freud and Hilda’s relationship, first as analyst/analysand, and later as friends. Key dimensions and effects of psychoanalytic clinical practice are highlighted in this discussion. Especial attention is also given to HD’s book-poem Helen in Egypt, in which Eros is portrayed in its double-face dimension of love and death. This dimension is given a conceptual status in Freud’s elaboration in terms of the libidinal and the death drives.


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