Aristotle, tragedy and the emotions of fear and hope illustrated in the films A Human Voice of R. Rosselini and Mother and Son of A. Sokurov


  • Fernando Rey Puente Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UFMG Author



emotions, tragedy, expectation, Aristotle, Rosselini, Sokurov


The text aims to present some reflections on the tragedy (and the disregard of its musical dimension) in Aristotle as well as to compare the different modes of expectation (elpís) – fear (phóbos) and hope (thársos) – with two films, one of Rosselini and another of Sokurov, which use musical resources to present the emotions of their characters and in which the stories of their respective protagonists illustrate very well these two different expectations before the imminent future: fear and hope.


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How to Cite

Aristotle, tragedy and the emotions of fear and hope illustrated in the films A Human Voice of R. Rosselini and Mother and Son of A. Sokurov. (2016). Nuntius Antiquus, 11(2), 83-98.