Imitation and Emulation of Catullus in the Renaissance
the Basiorum Liber, by Johannes Secundus
Basia, Kisses, Catullus, Johannes Secundus, intertextuality, allusion, imitation, emulation, Neo-Latin literature, poetical translation, erotic poetryAbstract
This article deals with the imitation and emulation of Catullus at the time of the Renaissance. It uses as an example the work Basiorum Liber (or Basia), a set of nineteen poems on the theme of kissing. This work, which had a great impact on European literature, was composed in Latin by the Dutch humanist Johannes Secundus, in the 1530s. From the analysis of three selected poems, we try to point out the characteristics of Catullus’s style present in the neo-Latin Renaissance poetry, in several aspects, such as its themes, vocabulary, polymetric verses and figures of speech. The three poems were translated into metrical verses, accompanied with notes. We also investigate the allusions made by Secundus to the Catullan text. Furthermore, although not the focus of the article, we examine allusions to other classical poets, such as Propertius, as well as the imitation of Catullus by sixteenth-century French authors, such as Baïf and Ronsard. The article also contains an explanation of some of the translation criteria adopted, such as, on the metric employed.
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