The slave in the Homeric Poems.

Origins, provenance, and social conditions.


  • Rui Tavares de Faria Universidade dos Açores/CECH-Universidade de Coimbra Author


slave, Homeric Poems, origins, provenance, social insertion


This article aims to determine, characterize, and comment on the origins, provenance, and social insertion of the slave in the Homeric Poems. After an in-depth reading of the Iliad and the Odyssey, it is possible to collect and select information regarding the process of slavery in the so-called Homeric society. The analysis of textual excerpts makes it possible to indicate the origins of the phenomenon, as well as to identify how slaves are obtained. In addition, from the Homeric epic it is also possible to enumerate certain regions from which slave labour comes and to describe the social condition in which slaves are inserted. Although limited to the Homeric Poems, the research developed provides us with important elements for the understanding and characterization of slavery in ancient Greece in other chronological periods, such as the Archaic and Classical periods.


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How to Cite

The slave in the Homeric Poems.: Origins, provenance, and social conditions. (2024). Nuntius Antiquus, 20(2), 1–20.