“Goddesses, women and the death of the heroes of Bacchylides’ Epinician 5”



Female, Myth, Hero, Bacchylides


The article is dedicated to analyzing the roles played by the divine and mortal female characters in Bacchylides’ Epinician 5 in the trajectory of the heroes who find themselves in Hades – one of them dead, the other still alive, but with death placed before his unseeing eyes. They are Artemis and Althaea, on the one hand, for whose actions Meleager succumbs; Aphrodite and Deianeira, on the other, for whose actions Heracles will succumb one day, having chosen to marry her, the sister of the spectre who moves him by recounting his non-heroic death by a terrible murderer, his own mother. Zeus’ son will suffer the same kind of death, due to the reckless actions of his wife, who ends up unwittingly murdering her husband. By focusing on this section, the article highlights the way in which the poet not only intertwines the misfortunes of both heroes, but also weaves that of the hero who is alive in a way that right from the start underlies that of the one who is already dead. This is an admirable stylistic move that gradually becomes apparent, as we hear the quite long and detailed mythical narrative (56-175), but only at its abrupt end is it fully revealed.

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Dossiê Comemorativo em Homenagem ao Prof. Jacyntho Lins Brandão

How to Cite

“Goddesses, women and the death of the heroes of Bacchylides’ Epinician 5”. (2024). Nuntius Antiquus, 20(2), 1–32. https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/nuntius_antiquus/article/view/53407