The Muse Calliope and the Beauty of Singing in Homer and in Hesiod


  • Antonio Orlando Dourado-Lopes Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais / Brasil


Homer, Hesiod, Muses, Calliope, Royalty


After succinctly reconsidering the debate on the meaning of the ‘divine inspiration’ furthered by the Muses in Greek hexametric poetry, we will interpret the “proem” of Hesiod’s Theogony (lines 1-115). Beginning with a reflection on Theogony 26-28, we will develop an interpretation about the epic usage of the verbs kleiō (“I glorify”), ainéo (“I praise”, “I approve”) and hymnéo (“I sing a hymn”) in order to concentrate on Calliope’s relation with the Homeric and Hesiodic understanding of the political language. We will propose to highlight Calliope’s role as a messenger of the temporality established by Zeus’ Olympic reign.


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How to Cite

Dourado-Lopes, A. O. (2019). The Muse Calliope and the Beauty of Singing in Homer and in Hesiod. Nuntius Antiquus, 15(1), 13–60. Retrieved from



Dossiê - Ensaios sobre 6 + 1 Musas