Cicero, On the orator 3.213-230


  • Adriano Scatolin Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo / Brasil


Cicero, Latin rhetoric, De oratore, actio


The passage selected is divided into two sections: 3.213-227 constitutes the treatment of oratorical actio; 3.228-230 presents the closing of the dialogue. The first section is subdivided into 1) general remarks (3.213-219) and the treatment of 2) gestures (3.220); 3) physiongnomy (3.220-223); and 4) voice. The second section presents the final remarks by the protagonist Crassus, with the famous allusion to Plato’s Phaedrus in the praise of Hortensius.


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How to Cite

Scatolin, A. . (2020). Cicero, On the orator 3.213-230. Nuntius Antiquus, 15(2), 145–157. Retrieved from