The Incorporation of Virgil by Columella and Palladius



technical literature, didactic poetry, quotation, model


In this article, our aim is to determine how Virgil’s Georgics, with its aspects of form and content, had an impact on the technical literature of Antiquity. For this purpose, we took as part of the corpus the treatises of Columella (De re rustica, 1st century AD) and Palladius (Opus agriculturae, 5th-6th century AD), trying to identify passages or entire books in which the legacy of the Georgics is evident. Thus, following a comparative approach, it could be realized that, although this work of Virgil was much more cited by Columella, it is also present in the treatise of Palladius, which even “looks at him”, in his Carmen de insitionibus, through Columella’s De re rustica.


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How to Cite

Trevizam, M. (2022). The Incorporation of Virgil by Columella and Palladius. Nuntius Antiquus, 17(2), 217–240. Retrieved from



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