Six Authors in Search of a Carácter

The Myth of Orpheus. Tradition and Re-readings from Latin America (2nd Part)



Persistence, Latin America, Classical Tradition, Opera, Film, Music


The present article is a part of the research project Persistence of Classic Tradition in Latin America: Theater and Film. The first stage consisted on the research in plot analysis, approaches, structure and the staging where Greek or Latin literary tradition where this character could be traced. Due to the extension of the results


 another phase is focused on the analysis on how these concepts are translated into Latin American films, music and visual arts, in order to develop a presentation in the near future based on this enigmatic character. A first part has already been submitted for publication at the University of Coimbra, where the analysis of the classical tradition of myth and its most emblematic Latin American version is addressed: the Orfeo de la Concepción by Vinicius de Moraes. In this second part, we analyze two artistic artifacts not frequent in this type of work: a short film by José Lacambra and Felipe Restrepo Orfeo y Eurídice (2007), and the opera Orfeo Chamán (2016) by the Austrian composer Chistina Pluhar


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OVIDIO NASÓN, P. Metamorfosis, Libro X. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1990.

PLUHAR, C. Orfeo chamán. EE.UU: Erato, 2016.

REINACH, S. Orfeo. Historia general de las religiones. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1964.

VIRGILIO. Geórgicas, Libro IV. Madrid: Editorial Gredos S. A, 1990.



How to Cite

Pianacci, R. (2022). Six Authors in Search of a Carácter: The Myth of Orpheus. Tradition and Re-readings from Latin America (2nd Part). Nuntius Antiquus, 17(2), 291–301. Retrieved from



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