The Presence of War in the Similes of Maternal Protection in the Iliad



Iliad, audience, traditional referentiality, simile


Homeric similes should not be considered as detachable elements of the Homeric narratives, but strongly linked to them by the themes they express and their contexts of insertion. Through the traditional poetic language in which they are composed, they say more than what is explicit in the image they present, because they have an implicit “background” that is projected by the recurrent uses of certain imagery and that transmit a cohesive meaning thanks to their traditionality. The Homeric similes whose theme is maternal protection have been read as tender and containing images of the receptor’s daily life. This reading, however, was questioned in the analysis of the simile in Il. 16. 7-10 (Patroclus is compared to a girl who cries), in which it may be present a description of a mother who runs away from soldiers who loot a city and capture women and children (GACA, 2008). From this new argued background, this article aims to propose a similar traditional projection for the similes in Il. 4. 130-131 (Athena protects Menelaus as a mother protects a child) and Il. 8. 271 (Teucer shelters behind Ajax like a child under his mother).


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How to Cite

Canazart, G. (2022). The Presence of War in the Similes of Maternal Protection in the Iliad. Nuntius Antiquus, 17(2), 329–353. Retrieved from



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