Poetry translation

a matter of order



poetry translation, order, reception, Ausonius


This article focuses on poetic compositions in Latin by Decimus Magnus Ausonius to raise questions related to the intentional order of terms in the source text (ST, when it produces specific meaning effects) and to the problems that arise from its realization in the target text (TT). The proposed study is based on theoretical assumptions of the theory of skopos (REISS; VERMEER, 1984), so that these poetic texts are also realized as poems in their conformation in the target language, and considers elements of the theory of creativity in translation into the maintenance of meaning effects through intersubjective or interindividual plausibility (STEFANINK, 1997; GERZYMISCH-ARBOGAST; MUDERSBACH, 1998). The translation samples are able to attest the power of recreation in maintaining the poetic plan present in the so-called original text, so that certain relationships are documented between the linguistic-cultural contexts of origin of the production of ancient texts and their reception via translation/recreation in the receiving contexts.


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How to Cite

Amarante, J. (2023). Poetry translation: a matter of order. Nuntius Antiquus, 18(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/nuntius_antiquus/article/view/42135



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