Love in times of war

an analysis of fragments from the novels Ninus and Sesonchosis



Romance antigo; fragmentos; amor;


This article analyses the fragments of the ancient novels Ninus and Sesonchosis based on the reading of David Konstan, for whom the novelty of the ancient novel is to present the love theme in a symmetrical way. In this sense, unlike what happens in classical literature in general, in the novel there is a symmetry between the protagonist couple, since neither of them exerts social power over the other. Based on this reading key, the aim is to find elements that allow these fragments to be read, identifying how they fit generically into the ancient novel. Likewise, a comparative analysis is made with the love narrative of "Panthea and Abradatas", in Xenophon's Cyropedia, comparing Cyrus' reaction to love with that of Ninus and Sesonchosis, since all three are historical-legendary characters from the East. While Cyrus, in Xenophon's work, is a military leader who refuses love for fear of its effect on his ambitions, Ninus and Sesonchosis, characters from novels, try to balance their personal desire for love with their public obligations, not by refusing love, but by accepting it.

Keywords: Ancient novel; fragments; love.


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How to Cite

Cerdas, E. (2023). Love in times of war: an analysis of fragments from the novels Ninus and Sesonchosis. Nuntius Antiquus, 19(1). Retrieved from