Violência na tragédia grega: infanticídios e parricídios


  • Tereza Virgínia Ribeiro Barbosa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


maternity, violence, Plutarch, tragedy, Ricoeur


This article deals with different manifestations of violence, including the distortions and mistakes that maternal or other kind of love can produce on the object of its affections. In order to reflect about this theme, we focus on some ancients sources, such as Plutarch’s Of the affection towards offspring, mythological narratives and excerpts of Greek tragedies. To understand some aspects of the dynamics of good and evil, we recur to the thought of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.


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Como Citar

Barbosa, T. V. R. (2010). Violência na tragédia grega: infanticídios e parricídios. Nuntius Antiquus, 5, 131–142. Recuperado de


