Helena em Odisseia IV


  • Lilian Amadei Sais Universidade de São Paulo

Parole chiave:

Homer, Odyssey, Helen, female character, Menelaus.


The aim of this paper is to present a brief analysis of Helen in Book IV of Homer’s Odyssey. Book IV displays the well- known stories of Helen and Menelaus, symmetric in form but opposite in the way Helen is represented. An approach of Helen’s ambiguity in this book may help to establish the tension it generates in the whole of Odyssey. Besides that, the meaning of this ambiguity and tension can be seen as potentially influencing other female characters, like Penelope herself.


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Come citare

Sais, L. A. (2014). Helena em Odisseia IV. Nuntius Antiquus, 10(1), 103–122. Recuperato da https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/nuntius_antiquus/article/view/17186


