Diktyoulkoí – um drama satírico de Ésquilo


  • Ana Luiza Gontijo Aun Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Diktyoulkoi, Aeschylus, satyr play, tetralogy, Perseus


The satyr play was a small, comic play that closed a Greek tragic trilogy, placing the characters of the tragedy on a different setting where they meet satyrs and are mocked by them. The tragic tetralogy was common during the 5th and 4th centuries b.C., and all major tragedians such as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides wrote satyr plays, being Aeschylus considered the best of them in this genre. Unfortunately, there are only fragments of his satyr plays and the Diktyoulkoi is the one with the largest numbers of verses preserved. The fragments were discovered separately and put together later. The main ones are the P.S.I. 1209a and P.Oxy.18 2161. They contain enough information about the plot, allusion to the myth of Danae and Perseus to which it is related and typical linguistic characteristics of the satyr play. 


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Como Citar

Aun, A. L. G. (2009). Diktyoulkoí – um drama satírico de Ésquilo. Nuntius Antiquus, 4, 82–91. Recuperado de https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/nuntius_antiquus/article/view/17276


