Epistemic Configuration of Information Science in Brazilian Periodical Literature by Means of a Citation analysis


  • Aline Elis Arboit
  • Leilah Santiago Bufrem
  • Juliana Lazzaroto de Freitas


Epistemologia, Ciência da Informação, Análise de Citações


Study on theoretical setting related to the epistemological questions of Information Science (IS), based on the theoretical context analysis of Brazilian regular production in this area. From Reference Database of Information Science periodical articles (BRAPCI) were selected 95 articles on the topic IS Epistemology, to proceed to the citations analysis and author, identifying the ten most productive authors; graphically represents the incidence of citations of the constituent authors of the basis and also the fundamental epistemology theoreticians most cited in this corpus. It identifies the national prominence authors in the theoretical context of IS in Brazil, as well as the influences of the authors from the epistemological field on this area’s periodical literature.


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How to Cite

Arboit, A. E., Bufrem, L. S., & Freitas, J. L. de. (2010). Epistemic Configuration of Information Science in Brazilian Periodical Literature by Means of a Citation analysis. Perspectivas Em Ciência Da Informação, 15(1), 18–43. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/22412


