Conceptual model of communication of information for informational interaction studies based on conversational competencies in a reference service


  • Fernandez Kenji Inazawa
  • Sofia Galvão Baptista


comunicação da informação, transferência da informação, competências conversacionais, serviço de referência


The aim of this paper is to discuss a conceptual model of communication of information applicable to studies of the interaction between user and librarian based on "conversational competencies" in a reference service. In information science, the phenomenon of "conversational skills" would be in the transfer or communication of information? It would be the model of Shannon and Weaver the most appropriate to explain this phenomenon? For the first question, it used Baker (2005) and Pinheiro and Loureiro (1995) as a basis for discussion of this aspect. Regarding the second question, perhaps explaining the adoption of the model of Shannon and Weaver in information science is given through the study of paradigms. Since the early, research of information science in the mid-50s, were more focused on the physical paradigm of information retrieval, and the model of Shannon and Weaver appears more or less the same time explaining how was the physical transfer of telephone signals, ownership was almost immediate. But, with the inclusion of other paradigms such as cognitive and social in the studies in information science, and also with the emergence of other theories in science communication, the model of Shannon and Weaver came to be deconstructed and rebuilt in new perspectives. Keywords: communication of information, tranfer of information, conversational competencies, reference service.


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How to Cite

Inazawa, F. K., & Baptista, S. G. (2011). Conceptual model of communication of information for informational interaction studies based on conversational competencies in a reference service. Perspectivas Em Ciência Da Informação, 17(1), 169–184. Retrieved from


