
  • Marcela Gomez Alves da Silva Licenciada e Bacharel em Educação Física. Mestre em Ciências da Motricidade- UNESP- Rio Claro. Membro do LEPSCHPEF - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Socioculturais, Históricos e Pedagógicos da Educação Física e do GEPLE- Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Lazer-Educação.
  • Dagmar Aparecida Cynthia França Hunger Docente do Departamento de Educação Física (1992 - atual), Vice-Diretora e Diretora (2009 - 2017) da Faculdade de Ciências e Presidente do GAC (2013 - 2015), da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP, do campus de Bauru. Livre-Docente em Educação Física pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP (2009). Líder do grupo de pesquisas em Estudos Socioculturais, Históricos e Pedagógicos da Educação Física (LESCHPEF/UNESP/FC/DEF/Bauru), cadastrado no CNPq.
  • Luciene Ferreira da Silva Docente do Departamento de Educação da FC/UNESP, membro do GELC/UNIMEP/CNPQ e Coordenadora do GEPLE – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Lazer e Educação.


Professional qualification, Professional Intervention, Leisure.


This article aims to analyze the conceptions of leisure presented and discussed by scholars and researchers evidenced in the literature and, specifically, the formation and professional intervention of social agents that act in governmental programs, in a historical and sociological perspective, having as theoretical foundation the concepts of the sociologist German Norbert Elias, because we consider that the agents involved are personal and social experiences, which are the result of different social configurations and that the existing power relations in society influence the implementation, progress and results of public policy actions, such as Is the case of the government programs involved in the research. In this sense, we seek to answer the following questions: Who are the social agents that act in leisure programs proposed by the federal government, in what concerns their academic formation? At the present time, social agents intervene or act according to which conception of leisure: welfare, education, emancipation, criticism? (MARCELLINO, 2004, ISAYAMA, 2003, MELO, 2006). For that, we conducted interviews with the social agents who worked in two programs of the Federal Government of the city of Bauru-SP, which do not have training of personnel to work in the localities, emphasizing their initial and continued formation, as well as the professional intervention and intervention In public leisure policies, seeking an understanding of their conceptions about leisure concepts and the relationships between the reality observed in the research, idealized by the programs involved. From the collection of data and analysis, we find that the conception that the Social Agents have of leisure become common sense, insofar as they are not perceived as socio-cultural mediators acting in a public policy of leisure, besides not feeling Safe in working in places of this nature, in this sense, realize that such actions end up becoming assistentialists in the programs offered by the Government. Thus, we conclude that a formative process is needed based on studies of leisure with the individuals that make up the society and about the existing relations of power so that such actions can transform reality.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. G. A. da, Hunger, D. A. C. F., & Silva, L. F. da. (2018). CONCEPTIONS OF LEISURE, TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTION IN GOVERNMENTAL PROGRAMS. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Do Lazer, 4(2), p.22–37. Retrieved from