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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • The text to be submitted is authored by at least one
    author with PhD degree.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice 
    or RTF format.
  • URLs for reference were reported when possible.
  • The text is in simple space; Uses a 12-point font; 
    Uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses);
    The figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at
    the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic 
    requirements described in Guidelines for Authors,
    on the About Journal page.
  • In the case of submission to a peer-reviewed section 
    (ex.: articles), the instructions available under Ensuring
    blind peer evaluation were followed.

Author Guidelines

The Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of Comparative Law and Cultural Studies - RDCEC publishes the Submission Guidelines for articles to be published in the New Phase of the Journal, under the direction of the Post-Graduation in Law Program of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG.

Structured from the Open Journal Systems-OJS database, the Journal of Comparative Law and Cultural Studies will receive original articles (on a national and international basis), with the aim of stimulating critical comparative and internationalist studies, guided by interdisciplinarity and taking into account the Complex cultural and identity dynamics, from which different normative solutions are formulated in different contexts.

Besides the simple sterile comparison of laws or legal institutions, it is proposed to critically review the comparative law itself, its methods and its epistemological boundaries. It seeks to break with the old-fashioned claim of autonomy of Legal Science, stimulating works willing to replace the problems of comparison or to compare different normative experiences in new terms and from an interdisciplinary project that brings together the important contributions of social sciences and Cultural studies. In an additional study, the Journal also provides a basis for publications of internationalist studies, particularly papers that reflect on the challenges of international law in the global order.

In addition to scientific articles, the RDCEC has section for publication of reviews and translations of classic and contemporary texts and comments on cases adjudicated and decisions rendered of the courts pertaining to topics of the Journal's editorial line. The literature review section concentrates on the preparation of manuscripts describing and / or commenting works published in the last 30 months, counted from the date of submission of the text to the Council). The review should establish the relevance of the work reviewed for the research area in which it is inserted, offering critical debates about it for readers. According to the editorial policies and guidelines of the Journal, the reviews should focus on titles of real academic interest, avoiding publications of purely technical or professional use in the Law. Chief editors, in the use of their regulatory assignments, will reject merely descriptive reviews or synthesize the argument of the work reviewed without any critical incursion.

The editorial section dedicated to translations privileges classical and contemporary texts or difficult access to Brazilian readers. In accordance with the copyright rules of the place of publication of the original work to be translated (article in periodical or chapter of book) and the applicable legislation in Brazil, the translations will be selected according to criteria of analysis of relevance and technical quality, as well as proof of authorization by the author and publisher of the translated work.

The commentation section on national and international courts publishes full judgments on topics related to the Journal editorial line, accompanied by author's notes, based on critical reading and based on relevant debates on comparative law, international law and cultural studies.

The RDCEC is published in digital format (ISSN in a phase of resumption, according to the publications of the former "Revista de Direito Comparado") and has a quarterly periodicity. Access is free and unrestricted by the address: "".

1. Guidelines for submission and selection of manuscripts


1.1) In order to submit manuscripts - articles, reviews, translations and commentaries -, those interested in publishing their works in the Journal of Comparative Law and Cultural Studies - RDCEC must register on the SEER / OJS Platform, indicating the option AUTHOR.

1.2) Only articles written by at least one author with PhD degree will be accepted

1.3) Only unpublished works will be accepted for publication.

1.4) Papers will be published in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English or French.

1.5) All material submitted for evaluation and publication and the patrimonial rights of authors linked to them will be transferred to RDCEC. Authors who submit their articles assume full responsibility for their content. The Editorial Team of RDCEC will remain free of any responsibility for the content of these works (and opinions, transcripts, sources and data presented), obliging the party that submitted its manuscript and accepted the editorial terms and policies of the RDCEC to indemnify the publishers and third parties for any material and moral damages caused by copyright infringement, plagiarism, contradictory authorship and inadequate conduct of scientific research.

1.6) In line with the spirit and objectives of free access to the OJS platform, all content published in RDCEC is offered to readers and academics free of charge and is authorized for reproduction, in whole or in part, for educational purposes only And scientific studies and if the complete citation of the source and authorship credits was made. The Journal of Comparative Law and Cultural Studies of the PPGD-UFMG adopts the license "Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International".

1.7) The articles extension and structure requirements:

1.7.1.) Extension: The full text and any annexes (graphics, tables, figures, etc.) should observe the limit of 60,000 characters with spaces (about 30 pages in text editor).

1.7.2) Title: in the language of writing and in English (if the title is written in English, it must contain a title in one of the other languages of the Journal);

1.7.3) Summary and keywords: summary in the language of writing and in English containing up to 200 (two hundred) characters, including spaces. The resume should not repeat excerpts from the introduction. There will be up to 05 keywords separated by endpoints. Font Times 12, justified text, between the lines 1.0; Between paragraphs 0 pts. (If the text is written in English, the abstract and keywords must, in addition to English, be written in one of the other languages adopted in the Journal);

1.7.4) Body of text / development, including introduction and conclusions;

1.7.5) Bibliographic References.


1.8) The texts of work reviews or comments on judgments / judgments / judgments of the national and international courts on topics of the journal's editorial line may not exceed 10 (ten) thousand characters (with spaces) and must observe, where applicable , The same rules for formatting the articles (items 1.6 and 2).

1.8.1) The manuscript of the review must contain the complete indication / reference of the work reviewed.

1.8.2) The manuscript of the comments must be accompanied by the formatted text of the decision or judgment in the original language, not exceeding 30,000.00 (thirty thousand) characters with spaces, or the indication of a web page on which the decision or judgment commented may be accessed in its entirety and freely.


2. Formatting of manuscripts


2.1) Margin: left and top 3,0 cm; Right and lower 2,0 cm;

2.2) Source of text: Times New Roman (TNR)

2.2.1) Body of text: size 12;

2.2.2) Citations with entry and footnotes: size 10;

2.3) Spacing of the text:

2.3.1) Between the lines: 1,5;

2.3.2) Between paragraphs: 0 pts;

2.3.3) Between title and text: one line;

2.3.4) Footnote lines: 1.0;

2.3.5) Beginning of the paragraph: 1,5 cm;

2.3.6) Quotations of up to 03 lines must be made in the body of the text, in quotation marks;

2.3.7) Citation with input (extrapolating 3 lines): TNR, size 10, 4.0 cm indentation and between 1.0 lines;

2.4) Bibliographic references should be accurate. It is the responsibility of the authors to adapt the references to the works indicated or mentioned in the manuscript;

2.5) Title: Font Times New Roman, size 12, bold, upper-case letters, centered text;

2.6) The texts of the scientific articles must contain introduction, development, conclusion and bibliographical references.

2.7) Bibliographical references should be presented after completion in alphabetical order, with left alignment, in Times 12 font, 1.5 line spacing.

2.8) Articles must comply with ABNT rules, but do not use the author-date citation system, nor use bold.

2.8.1) Citations: must be presented in the page footer, always including the indications on the page of the work cited, referenced or consulted.

2.8.2) The title of the work - book or magazine / periodical - must be presented in italics.

2.8.3) The following examples of notations should be used for the purposes of citing decisions, judgments and sentences in the footer or in a specific section of cases / jurisprudence shortly after the Bibliographical References:

STF, Foreign Judgment No. 1914 - Lebanon, Full Court, Min. Rap. Themistocles Cavalcanti, judgment of 31.12.1969, in DJ 15-03-1968, p. 00730; RTJ vol.44-09, p.357 ('Saadedine' case).

STJ, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation v. Evadin Industries Amazônia S/A, Contested Federal Judgment No. 349 - United States (2005/0023892-2), Rel. Min. Eliana Calmon, judgment of March 21, 2007, in DJ 21.05.2007, p. 528.

CEDH, Paradiso and Campanelli Vs. Italy. App. N ° 25358/12, European Court of Human Rights. Decision of 01/24/2017.

2.8.4) Word 97 format or higher (".doc" extension) and PDF (2Mb limit);

2.9) If necessary, the author may add the annexes after the bibliographic references.

2.10) Failure to comply with the provisions of this Notice and the journal's editorial policies may result in non-acceptance of the work.

3. The conditions for submission

As part of the manuscript submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not match RDCEC’s editorial norms will be returned to authors.

3.1) The contribution must be original and unpublished, and may not have been submitted for publication by another journal; Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".

3.2) Two documents must be attached in the same email containing the manuscript: the first in word / docx format or 'open office'; And the second in "pdf" format.

3.3) URLs for references should be reported where possible.

3.4) For the references in the footer, the text should be in simple space; Use a size 10 font; Use italics to highlight the title of the work or the journal / journal and not underlining (except URL addresses) or bold;

3.5) The figures and tables must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.

3.6) Footnotes should be used in the "end of page" mode and not notes at the end of the text.

3.7) The text should follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the previous items ("From Manuscript Formatting" and "Guidelines for Submission and Selection").
4. Ensuring blind peer evaluation
4.1) The articles will be submitted to prior analysis of the editorial staff's formal adequacy and will be immediately sent to two anonymous "ad hoc" reviewers for content evaluation.

4.2) The identification of the author(s) should only be made in the body of the e-mail sent (as well as any acknowledgment that would be added to the body of the text or information on financing), thus ensuring that reviewers do not have contact With the authors of the texts.
4.2.1) For author identification, indicate: full name, degree, institution to which you are connected, link to the Lattes curriculum, mailing address, telephone and e-mail;
4.2.2) Regarding information on financing or benefits received, indicate any conflicts of interest and acknowledgments.
4.3) In Microsoft Office documents, the author ID must be removed from the document properties (in the File> Properties menu), starting File in the main menu and clicking the sequence: File> Save As ...> Tools ( Or Options on the Mac)> Security Options ...> Remove personal information from the file by saving> OK> Save.
4.4) In PDFs, authors' names must also be removed from Document Properties in File on the Adobe Acrobat main menu.
4.5) In the case of an opinion of approval and another of disapproval, the article will be submitted to a third opinion.
4.6) In case of disapproval of the manuscript, brief justifications will be forwarded to the author, maintaining the full confidentiality of the evaluators.
4.7) Opinions may contain comments on the following items: bibliographic indications; Suggestions for changes in the structure and formatting of the text; Adding or subtracting information; Criticism or praise; Or any other pertinent information for the improvement of the work and for compliance with the criteria defined in this announcement. The proposed amendments may be both subject-matter and conditional.

5. Deadlines
5.1) The final date for receipt of the manuscripts for the second issue of RDCEC Vol.1 (May / August 2017), under the terms of this Call, is established on May 30, 2017.

5.2) The texts should be sent to the following electronic address: "".
6. Results

The Editorial Team will disseminate the result via e-mail, through a private message to the authors.
7. From the privacy policy

7.1) Authors who submit their articles assume full responsibility for the author's content, and the Editorial Team of RDCEC is exempt from any responsibility for opinions, transcripts, sources and data presented, as well as on the conduct indicated in item 1.4 above.

7.2) Reproduction, in whole or in part, of the articles of RDCEC, provided that its reference is properly indicated, in accordance with the conditions and licenses referred to in item 1.5 above.
7.3) In case of requests to readjust the format and size of the Journal's numbers, the Editorial Team reserves the right to publish articles submitted to this notice in subsequent editions of the journal, subject to confirmation by the author.
7.4) The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.

Belo Horizonte, March 30, 2017.



Política padrão de seção


A) A seção dedicada às resenhas de obras literárias concentra-se na elaboração de manuscritos descrevendo e/ou comentando obras publicadas nos últimos 30 meses, contados a partir da data de submissão do texto para o Conselho).  Elas devem estabelecer a relevância da obra resenhada para a área de investigação na qual esteja inserida, oferecendo debates críticos a respeito para o público de leitores da RDCEC.

B) Em função das políticas e linhas editoriais da Revista, as resenhas devem se concentrar em títulos de real interesse acadêmico, evitando-se publicações de uso meramente técnico ou profissionalizante no Direito. Os editores-chefes poderão rejeitar resenhas  meramente  descritivas  ou  que  sintetizem o  argumento  da  obra resenhada sem qualquer incursão crítica. 


A secão Traduções privilegia textos clássicos  e contemporâneos ou  de  difícil  acesso  aos  leitores  brasileiros. Conforme observância às normas de direito de autor do local da publicação da obra original a ser traduzida (artigo em periódico ou capítulo de livro) e à legislação aplicável no Brasil, as traduções serão selecionadas segundo critérios de análise da relevância e da qualidade técnica, bem como comprovação da autorização por parte do autor e editora da obra traduzida.

Casos e Jurisprudência

A seção Comentários sobre casos/julgados de tribunais nacionais e internacionais publica acórdãos na íntegra sobre temas relacionados à linha editorial da Revista, acompanhados de notas do autor, baseadas na leitura crítica e fundada em debates relevantes sobre direito comparado, direito internacional e estudos culturais.

Privacy Statement

Os autores que submetem seus artigos assumem a responsabilidade integral pelo conteúdo autoral, estando a Equipe Editorial da RDCEC isenta de qualquer responsabilidade sobre opiniões, transcrições, fontes e dados apresentados, bem como sobre condutas indicadas na diretrizes para autores. É permitida a reprodução, total ou parcial, dos artigos da RDCEC, desde que adequadamente indicada sua referência, nos termos das condições e licenças referidas nas diretrizes para autores.Em caso de demandas de readequação do formato e dimensão dos números da Revista, a Equipe editorial reserva-se no direito de publicar artigos submetidos ao presente edital em edições seguintes da revista, condicionada à confirmação da autorização pelo autor.

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.