Visual Repair in a Storytelling Course of Portuguese as an Additional Language




visual repair, intersubjectivity, storytelling, Portuguese as an additional language, conversation analysis


This paper explores how participants in a storytelling course of Portuguese as an Additional Language use repair practices (i.e. identify and solve eventual problems in the production and comprehension of utterances in order to maintain the intersubjectivity) during the lessons. We focus on three main questions: 1) how do participants use visual repair (i.e., the sequentially coordenated use of gestures and other embodied practices in order to solve interactional issues) resources to maintain the intersubjectivity in the classes observed?; 2) what is the relationship between verbal and non-verbal conducts in the organisation of repair during the activities carried out in the abovementioned course?; 3) based on data from this and other studies in the field, what is the particularity of the organisation of repair in the classroom we observed when compared to the repair conducts produced in classrooms organised in the traditional way (with seats arranged behind each other forming rows)? The results of this study point to the use of visual repair as a practical method (i.e. common and taken-for-granted method) used by teacher and students in the pedagogical activities observed.


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How to Cite

Visual Repair in a Storytelling Course of Portuguese as an Additional Language. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 3, p. 1485–1529, 2024. DOI: 10.17851/2237-2083.31.3.1485-1529. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.