The Notion of Semiotic Mode in Kress’s Theory and Its Role in Proposing an Analytical Model for Multi-semiotic Texts

The Case of the Educational Motion Graphic



mode, educational motion graphic, multi-semiotic analysis


The notion of mode proposed by Kress is extremely productive for the analysis of multi-semiotic texts, as it is possible to observe the way in which the different modes are organized for meaning making. Based on this notion, this text aims to present elements for the proposal of an analytical model for the analysis of educational motion graphics, a semiotic artifact typical of emerging social practices and quite common in the hypermedia culture. Adopting a quali-quantitative and interdisciplinary methodological approach in the field of Applied Linguistics for the analysis and discussion of the data, the results indicate that the modes need to be considered based on their potential in the context in which they are produced and disseminated. We conclude that the verbal oral mode predominates over the others in the educational motion graphic analyzed, as it is from it that the other modes become part of a multi-semiotic artifact in meaning making.



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Author Biography

Orlando Vian Junior, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, São Paulo / Brasil

Professor Associado no Deparamento de Letras/Inglês e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras. Pesquisador CNPq.


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Thematic issue 31:4 (2023): Multimodality through the lenses of Kress’ Social Semiotics