The Processing of the Primary Stress in Brazilian Portuguese from the Dual Route Model




word processing, stress, dual route model, pseudowords, brazilian portuguese


This paper contrasts the processing of primary stress in Brazilian Portuguese pseudowords based on the Cascade Dual Route Model (Coltheart; Rastle, 1994; Rastle; Coltheart, 2000). The Model postulates the existence of two processing routes depending on the type of word: familiar real words are processed via the lexical route and unfamiliar real words and pseudowords are processed via the non-lexical route. To verify whether stress in Portuguese can be analyzed from this perspective, two experimental studies were carried out to evaluate whether speakers, when reading a pseudoword, apply the general rule (Bisol’s Metric Hypothesis, 1994) through the activation of the lexical route; or if they make use of lexical information, such as phonological similarity with a real word, morphological information and final segments, through the activation of the non-lexical route. Experiment 1 evaluated phonological similarity and experiment 2 evaluated morphological derivational patterns, both in relation to the general rule. The results indicate that pseudowords retrieve lexical, segmental and morphological information when processed, calling into question processing based solely on the existence of two routes guided by the type of word. There is evidence that the activation of the stress pattern can occur through different mechanisms.


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How to Cite

The Processing of the Primary Stress in Brazilian Portuguese from the Dual Route Model. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 32, n. 1, p. 240–259, 2024. DOI: 10.17851/2237-2083.32.1.240-259. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.