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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.
  • The Journal of the Federal University of Minas Gerais operates in a continuous flow of publications. Publications are presented in a single annual volume according to the approvals of articles and academic publications made by evaluators and guest editors.

    Contributions of scientific articles are evaluated by ad hoc referees, through blind review, reserving the right of the Journal and guest editors for the dossier to propose modifications with the purpose of adapting articles and other works to their editorial standards .

    Editions of the Journal may also include works by guest authors depending on the relevance of their contributions to the proposed themes, at the discretion of the editors.

    Originals submitted to the Journal cannot be in the process of simultaneous evaluation in another publication, otherwise, the reasons must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.

    The originals must be unpublished in Brazil, and the Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the convenience of publishing or not publishing works already published in other languages ​​by magazines and/or by publications and editorial bodies in other countries. After publication in this Journal, texts may be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition that they contain a note with reference to the original publication.

    Authors must ensure that the approaches and methodological instruments used comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The originality of the works must be guaranteed, and, in the case of plagiarism, the author responsible for the submission may face legal action under the accusation of Crime of Copyright Violation, according to art. 184 – Penal Code.

    The authors are solely responsible for the concepts and opinions expressed, as well as the use of any graphic and/or textual elements in their work (reproduction of images, tables, quotes, etc.).

    The UFMG Magazine does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of works.

Author Guidelines

Revista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais publishes manuscripts written by invited authors and by those who spontaneously wish to submit their works. The contributions are assessed by the Editorial Board and by ad hoc reviewers through the blind review method. Revista may propose alterations at its own discretion in an effort to adapt the articles and further works to its editorial standard.

The manuscripts submitted to Revista may not be assessed simultaneously by another publication team, and must be unpublished in Brazil. The Editorial Board will assess the convenience of the publication of works already disseminated in other languages by journals and editorial entities in foreign countries.

Revista accepts articles, comments, notes, essays and interviews for publication, but the Editorial Board will preliminarily analyze the manuscripts and works received in order to verify the compliance with the editorial lines, when the same may be refused or, in case of approval, referred to a further evaluation process, aiming at their publication or not. Poems and other artistic-literary and iconographic productions may also be published, although only if duly invited by the Editorial Board.

The authors’ credits must contain their title, institutional affiliation and electronic address. The texts submitted to Revista should be written in Word Editor, Times New Roman source, size 12, space 1.5 between lines, margins of 3 cm, and in A4 format. An abstract with 120 words at most and three keywords, both in Portuguese and in English, must be submitted with the corresponding text. Quotations containing up to three lines are inserted in the text between quotation marks; if longer, they must outstand the text without quotation marks, size 10 and margins with a four-centimeter indentation to the left.

Articles, essays and interviews should be at least 17 pages long, but not surpass 25 pages, including tables, maps, graphs and other images and non-textual information. Commentsand notes shouldnothave more than 10 pages.

Articles and essays submitted to Revista should follow the norms set forth by NBR 6022, published by ABNT in May, 2018, and contain at least the following sections: 1) Introduction; 2)Development; 3) Conclusions, and 4) Bibliography. The remittance of manuscripts and other works implies copyright assignment to Revista if they are accepted for publication.

Tables and charts must be inserted and indicated in the text, and sent in separate files in doc or xls extensions. The same procedure must be followed in the case of figures (maps, graphs, illustrations and photos). Besides their insertion and indication in the text, they must also be remitted in separate files, in300dpi resolution, and 10x10 cm minimum size. Graphs are best sent in a format that allows the edition (for instance, inxls extension), so that they can be adapted to the graphic design of the journal.

The images, photos and illustrations, among others, must be authorized for publication by their authors.

The name of organizations and entities must be written in full, followed by their abbreviation when first mentioned in the text, and after that, only the abbreviation should be used; for example: United Nations Organization (UNO). Numbers from one to ten must be written in full, and foreign terms in italics.

Bibliography must obey the criteria set forth by ABNT NBR 10520:2002 and ABNT NBR 6023:2018.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.