[Call for (in)submissions] Special Dossier #2 - Other lives against the spectacle: the animal, the vegetable, the machine and the alien (1/2021)


Receipt of works in the form of papers, essays, literary texts and images that reflect on the theme, until May 31, 2021.

To paraphrase Guy Debord, Paul Preciado, in one of the passages of Pornotopia, states that the Playboy “bunnies” were capital in such an intense degree of accumulation that it would has become a body. With this affirmation, Preciado confirms and radicalizes Debord’s analyzes in the 50s and 60s of the last century, tending to reveal the process of world’s capitalization, which, however, would not be limited to images only, but invading and domesticating living bodies and, ultimately, life itself. Faced with such an apparently unappealable diagnosis, it seems that all resistance would be in vain, given that it would be condemned to integrate itself in the omnipresent semiotic circuits of the global spectacle. However, this is due to a singular error of interpretation, to an anthropocentric synecdoche that takes the part for the whole and insists on reading in human life the summary and apex of whole life. Taking this into account, a truly revolutionary ethical-political alternative in our days passes through the necessary understanding of the other dimensions of life that, despite not being immune to spectacular power, constitute anti-camps – opposed, therefore, to the camps theorized by Giorgio Agamben – in which they generate collaborative, immanent and powerful experiments that, by placing themselves in some way outside our subjectivities and sensitivities, point to ways of reversing the necropolitical process of reducing everything alive to the miserable destiny of becoming a mercantile image. In this sense, the second issue of the (Des)troços: revista de pensamento radical intends to reflect in its thematic dossier on the other lives that inhabit or can inhabit this and other imaginable worlds, in order to participate in the political power that the others offer us before the sameness of the human spectacle. Animal lives, plant lives, machinic lives and alien lives are just some examples of other forms of live, not human ones, and this doesn’t means that they carry the mark of negativity with them, because they are affirmed in their own terms, which it is up to us to understand and to maximize, in an acentric, horizontal, multiple and communal alliance with what is not human, in order to, paradoxically, make the world again habitable. It is, therefore, a multi-species alliance of life against death represented by the spectacular capital that we intend to unveil and foster in the pages of the journal.

Unpublished works will be accepted in the form of scientific articles, essays, literary texts and images (painting, drawing, photography, etc.) that reflect: 1) on the theme of the spectacle and its global domination, taking into account fundamental conceptual elements thought by the situationists who, like Debord, foresaw the reduction of everything that lives to the category of commodity, using critical constructs as alienation, game, relationship between art, writing and life etc.; 2) on the antagonistic and ethical-political potentialities of other lives in the face of the current spectacular-necropolitical scenario, in a dialogue with authors who think of the complexity and the democratic-plural character of plants, such as Stefano Mancuso and Emanuele Coccia; the power of the animal, its mutations and auto-recursive relations before the human, based on the thought of indigenous sages such as Davi Kopenawa and anthropologists such as Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and his Amerindian perspectivism; the philosophical dimensions and the vertigo of machines and their derivatives (robots, cyborgs, artificial intelligence etc.), in the line of authors like Donna Haraway; and, finally, the possible life, the completely different life from the outside, imagined by philosophers like Frédéric Neyrat in the field of what he calls Alienocene. Of course, the examples above are not exhaustive, and can and should be complemented and imploded by the creativity of our collaborators in their texts and images.

In addition to these two axes of its thematic dossier – criticism of the spectacle and other lives – the journal (Des)troços receives a continuous flow of articles of general nature linked to the theme of radical thinking and its editorial line, as described in: https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/sobre-a-revista/

Contributions must be sent to the journal’s email (revistadestrocos@gmail.com), respecting the submission rules in the case of textual contribution (https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/submissoes-submissions/) by May 31, 2021. The titling requirements do not apply to authors of images, whose contributions will be evaluated only by the editorial board. Texts contributions will be evaluated by the editorial board and the double blind review system. Once approved, texts and images will be published in the second issue of the journal, scheduled to be released in June 2021.