[Call for (in)submissions] Special Dossier #6 - An-archy and anarchisms (1/2023)


Receipt of works in the form of papers, essays, reviews, interviews, literary texts, images and other formats that reflect subject, with a deadline of May 31, 2023.

One of the elements that characterize our time is the ubiquity of apparatuses that capture, reconfigure and tame radical democratic thoughts and practices. In this sense, instances such as the market, the university and theology served to weaken even intensely critical traditions, such as anarchism, transforming it into a commodity or into a simple philosophical-academic school. In this issue of (Des)troços we intend to revisit the classic authors of anarchism – Mikhail Bakunin, Pyotr Kropotkin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Emma Goldman, etc. – understanding that the bet they made is part of a much deeper dimension that is related to the groundlessness of power and being, that is, to the radical an-archy that paradoxically founds us as groundless beings. Once recognized, this singular and common power threatens the stability of all representative, separative and hierarchical power, such as neoliberal capitalism. Therefore, in addition to the classics of anarchism and its history (practical and theoretical) in the 19th and 20th centuries, in this edition we also want to discuss contemporary themes, authors and groups such as Giorgio Agamben, Reiner Schürmann, Paul Feyerabend, Tiqqun, Invisible Committee and many others, in order to release the potential of an-archy as a singular life-form that lives in the present.

We also emphasize that, in addition to this thematic dossier, the journal (Des)troços receives pitches in a continuous flow of a general nature that are linked to the radical thinking and editorial line of the journal, as described at: https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/sobre-a-revista/. Contributions must be sent through the OJS system, respecting the submission rules for texts (https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/submissoes-submissions/) by May 31, 2023. Title requirements do not apply to image authors, whose contributions will be evaluated solely by the editorial committee. Contributions in the form of texts will be evaluated by the editorial committee and by the double blind review system. Once approved, texts and images will be published in the sixth issue of the journal, scheduled for release in July 2023.