Worker's health, Health education, Health ResearchAbstract
Scientific production in Occupational Health grows daily. However, routinely this information does not reach the investigated population, not benefiting the workers. Therefore, the importance of promoting the dissemination of knowledge to workers is justified, which is the objective of this extension. To this end, the project team initially searched weekly, between May and November 2021, for scientific articles in the area of Occupational Health, published in national and international journals. After this selection, authorization to use the data was obtained. Then, the informative material was built by the executing team, in the form of informative folders. This material was previously evaluated, edited and validated by the authors of the articles. Finally, the materials were disseminated on the team's social networks and on the exclusive page of this project on Instagram. In all, there were 21 posts, 261 followers and 168 likes on the project's exclusive pages. However, considering shares on social networks, it is believed to have reached about 1500 people. With this, the execution of the research is considered successful, as it contributes to the dissemination of research in Occupational Health, having the potential to improve living conditions and access to scientific information by the target population.
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