Methodologies for participatory preventive conservation in Archeaology

Gothic Neighborhood (Barcelona)




Preventive Conservation, Ethnography, Urban Archaeology, participation, stakeholder's mapping


In this paper, we present various methodologies that allow us to think about the socialization of preventive conservation of urban archaeological sites. The methodological approach aims to discuss the need to integrate ethnographic studies into the proposals for the conservation of archaeological sites. We argue that the existing interactions that occur between the remains and the public must be taken into account when making conservation proposals. These same interactions will be the protagonists of this story narrated by an anthropologist and a conservator from the Barri Gòtic of Barcelona. The text analyzes from a reflective interdisciplinary perspective, how systematic observation techniques, mapping, and risk management applied to heritage, are fundamental tools to transform preventive archaeological conservation into a dynamic science that adapts to the challenges of contemporary Archaeology.


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How to Cite

Methodologies for participatory preventive conservation in Archeaology: Gothic Neighborhood (Barcelona). (2022). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 14(2), 121-149.