Lenses of the past

an archaeological analysis of photographs of women from the Robinson Factory in Portalegre





industrial archaeology, gender archaeology, photography


This article addresses the historical erasure of the women who worked at the Robinson Factory in Portalegre (Portugal) highlighting the importance of analysing their lives and identities. The analysis of photographs as alternative archaeological materialities aims to emphasise their value in historical reconstruction, especially for understanding communities that are often subalternised, such as women in industrial environments. It also examines the issue of photographic staging as a way of transmitting positive images of factories to the outside world and influencing collective memory. It also analyses the importance of photographs in analysing and understanding the lives and identities of historical subjects, particularly working-class women who were present in the Portuguese industrial sector, and who have often been silenced.


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How to Cite

Lenses of the past: an archaeological analysis of photographs of women from the Robinson Factory in Portalegre. (2024). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 18(2), 23-40. https://doi.org/10.31239/vtg.v18i2.49539