Our other archaeologies until the last consequences





Archaeological Theory, Ontology, Material Culture


This article, essayistic in character, reassesses the potential interpretative scope of the archaeological discipline. Faced with the new openness of relations that the humanities and social sciences are actually living, new approaches have emerged in the search for the elementary relationships that sustain the social whole. This question, here applied to archeology, whose stated objective is to point to material relations, their users’ multiple forms of behavior and their interpretation. In order to be able to clearly characterize these relationships, different examples have been offered indicating that these concepts point to and support the contributions that we deem essential to reiterate the role of archeology in this debate and to rethink some of the elements that make archeology possible as an accessible concept of theory and praxis.


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How to Cite

Pompeu, F. G. de, & Hilbert, K. P. (2022). Our other archaeologies until the last consequences. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 14(1), 115–139. https://doi.org/10.31239/vtg.v14i1.13565


