Ceramics and lithics as indicators of technological change and persistence during the contact period on the west side of the Mexico Basin





Cultural Change and Persistence, Technology, Postclassic, Mexico Basin


It has been assumed that the arrival of the western world to Mesoamerica meant a cultural change, reflected in the transformation of the artifactual inventory of the communities. However, persistence in the use of materials such as lithics and ceramics, despite of having other technological options, allows us to interpret long-term processes in the appropriation of the environment and socioeconomic conditions. This work shows the combined use of Prehispanic and colonial materials in a small Postclassic settlement in the Basin of Mexico, where it seems that the presence of a technological change in the archaeological materials did not mean a cultural change despite its temporal association with the transition from the pre-Hispanic period to the colony.


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How to Cite

García, D. A. M., & Ortega, K. S. (2022). Ceramics and lithics as indicators of technological change and persistence during the contact period on the west side of the Mexico Basin. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 13(1), 137–160. https://doi.org/10.31239/vtg.v1i13.14939


