Archaeologies of the Uprooting.

An approach to the process of abandoment and destruction of the rural: Hontanillas (Guadalajara, Spain).




Abandonment, Materiality, Ruins, Rural Archaeology, Archaeology of the Contemporary Past


In this paper we present an archaeological approach to the destruction of Hontanillas (Guadalajara, Spain), a village that was depopulated in the 70s, which has received different projects of repopulation from then on. The abandonment of the countryside could be considered one of the historical experiences that leaded to the modern rapport between people, materiality and territory. We examine how archaeology could register that change through the integral analysis (including the history, epistemology and materiality) of the abandonment process. We propose to rethink the abandonment and destruction of land as the historical formation of the uprooting that characterizes contemporary societies.


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How to Cite

Millán Pascual, R., Falquina Aparicio, A., & Compañy, G. (2020). Archaeologies of the Uprooting.: An approach to the process of abandoment and destruction of the rural: Hontanillas (Guadalajara, Spain). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 13(2), 115–140.


