In the domains of the rock entities

archaeology of the stones of power and devotion in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, 19th-21st centuries




Archaeology of African Diaspora, spiritual practices, devotional stones


Archaeological and ethnoarchaeological research conducted at sites associated with enslaved Africans and their descendants in Rio de Janeiro’s port zone and Greater Salvador, respectively, have found evidence of spiritual practices in which certain rocks played and continue to play a leading role. This article presents the finding of pebbles and cobbles in so-called Little Africa, a redoubt of the urban black population near to Valongo Wharf, in contexts suggestive of the worship of supernatural forces. Likewise, in Salvador, pebbles and boulders, after their consecration, are understood by present-day candomblé terreiros as materializations of such forces. Deemed to be alive, these rocks are divinized and worshipped individually or collectively until the end of their life cycle, when they are ritually discarded. Though distant in space and time, the two cases are discussed together here in recognition of how past and present mutually feed one another. Not only do the vestiges encountered by archaeology testify to the temporal depth of current practices, but they also indicate that, despite the pronounced dynamism of Afro-Brazilian religions, a strongly conservative core has remained intact, perceptible in the materiality of such practices. This is especially evident in these lithics, repositories of devotion, empowered by faith.


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How to Cite

Andrade Lima, T., & Ribeiro Junior, A. (2021). In the domains of the rock entities: archaeology of the stones of power and devotion in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, 19th-21st centuries. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 15(2), 195–230.



Echoes of Mark Leone in Latin American Historical Archaeology