Building archaeological biographies

an examination of the trajectories of two Brazilian slave owners




archaeological biography, slavery, central Brazil, Goiás


Taking as a starting point the study developed by Mark Leone on the garden of William Paca, this article presents some thoughts about the construction of life narratives in archeology, also known as archeological biography. Initially, I present some methodological and interpretative aspects that are useful for the construction of biographies. Then, I explore two examples of my own research about slavery in Central Brazil: the case of Joaquim Alves de Oliveira, owner of the Engenho de São Joaquim, and Francisco Xavier Leite de Távora, owner of the Engenho de Santo Izidro. I hope with this to contribute with some elements for those interested in examining life trajectories from the perspective of historical archeology.


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How to Cite

Torres de Souza, M. A. (2021). Building archaeological biographies: an examination of the trajectories of two Brazilian slave owners. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 15(2), 231–245.



Echoes of Mark Leone in Latin American Historical Archaeology