Nothing more than beads

the personal belongings of pretos novos from the Valongo Cemetery




african diaspora, glass beads, Pretos Novos Cemetery, Valongo, Rio de Janeiro


Glass beads were the only personal belongings found with the remains of the Africans buried in the Pretos Novos cemetery, Rio de Janeiro, which characterizes them as important ethnic and social indicators. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of 223 artifacts aimed to establish a standard for the beads used by the newly arrived captives, as well as to compare it with the typology previously defined for the beads used by captives already established in the city of Rio de Janeiro. There was an absolute predominance of common beads with lower market value, with drawn-type manufacture, small, simple, and white. This result, understood as one more aspect of the violence suffered by the captives, proved to be the opposite of that obtained with the beads recovered at the Valongo Wharf.


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How to Cite

Alves Chá Chá, J. G., & Lessa, A. (2024). Nothing more than beads : the personal belongings of pretos novos from the Valongo Cemetery. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 18(1), 29–56.


