Facing the photo, an archaeologist

phenomenon images, fototículas and other disciplinary subversions of the archaeology of the graphic image





archaeology of photography, archaeology of graphic images, Antarctic archaeology


In this theoretical article, I share the process of imagining and proposing a methodology for the analysis of historical photographs of Antarctica. Engaging archaeology as an observation device in refraction to Karen Barad's agential realism and Vilem Flusser's philosophy of photography, archaeological interest radiates from the state of matter (“the photograph”) to the configuration of observation (“the making of the image”), so emerging a new object of analysis, the image-phenomenon. Each image-phenomenon can be observed and described on its surface and excavated in two directions: in depth (fotoquadrículas) and in extension (fototículas). The programmatic layers are revealed, which include the technical program of the apparatus, the institutional program of the expedition, editorial programs, etc. The overlap between surface and programs makes up a final layer: the system in which these images circulate and live. In this sense, as well as showing the history of our intra-actions with the continent, these images act and are acted upon, with their instrumentalization and circulation.


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How to Cite

Antunes Stollmeier, L. (2024). Facing the photo, an archaeologist: phenomenon images, fototículas and other disciplinary subversions of the archaeology of the graphic image. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 18(2), 151–176. https://doi.org/10.31239/vtg.v18i2.52700