An archaeology of everiday racism



Mots-clés :

Everyday racism, Australia, archaeology, social justice, structural violence, modern material culture, archaeology of the contemporary world


This paper examines the role of material culture in replicating everyday racism in Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. We argue that inclusivity is determined by inclusive design supported by inclusive behaviours and that archaeologists can inform the creation of a more equitable world by identifying how material culture acts to exclude certain groups and replicate inequalities that might otherwise go unnoticed. This paper is part of the social justice movement in archaeology that analyses material remains in both the past and the present to reveal relationships between racism, racial discrimination, and racial inequality.


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Ecos de Mark Leone na Arqueologia Histórica Latinoamericana

Comment citer

An archaeology of everiday racism. (2021). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 15(2), 315-344.