Knowledge of primary care nurses and physicians regarding dental avulsion
Tooth avulsion, Health personnel, Health education, Education, continuingAbstract
Introduction: Dental trauma is an important public health issue. In some cases, a successful treatment is related to the quality of the immediate health care received.
Aim: To evaluate the knowledge and behavior of primary health care physicians and nurses working in the public service in the urban area of Vitória da Conquista-BA, Brazil, about dental avulsion.
Methods: 60 professionals answered a self-administered questionnaire containing questions about biodemographic data knowledge about the meaning of avulsion and tooth replantation, conduct in cases of dental avulsion and interest in receiving training or guidance on the subject.
Results: Most participants did not know what is tooth avulsion, dental reimplantation and what action to take in case of an avulsion situation (70%, n=42; 51.67%, n=31; 56.67%, n=34, respectively). They found themselves unable to redeploy one avulsed tooth in its place of origin (83.33%, n=50). Few were able to correctly answer the ideal time repositioning (6.67%, n=4) and storage location of an avulsed tooth (5%, n=3), but would know properly conduct it’s cleaning (28.34%, n=17). They reported never having received guidance on how to proceed these cases (93.33%, n=56) but consider information regarding this issue important and necessary (96.66%, n=58).
Conclusion: Primary care physicians and nurses have little knowledge of the meaning of dental avulsion and replantation and factors that underlie the conduct of this situation.
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