Socioeconomic-cultural diversities and oral health
health-disease process representations among users at the school of dentistry of the Federal University of Pará
Social determinants of health, Health-disease process, Cultural diversity, Patient satisfaction, Health promotionAbstract
Aim: This study sought to identify the socioeconomic-cultural profile, the representations of the healthdisease process, and the expectations and satisfaction of the users of the dental clinics at the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Pará (FO-UFPA) regarding the dental services rendered.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out with 170 users who sought/awaited service at the FO-UFPA School of Dentistry in April and May 2019. A semi-structured questionnaire, containing open and closed questions, was used, applied by a single calibrated researcher. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The answers to the open questions were transformed into categories to be analyzed both in a descriptive manner and through the association of variables using the Contingency C test in the BioEstat 5.5 program, considering a significance level of α = 0.05.
Results: As for the profile of the users, the majority were female (70.6%), 36 to 59 years of age (55.9%), heterosexual (96.5%), light-skinned black (70.6%), evangelical (47.0%), with incomes of up to two minimum wages (48.8%) and complete secondary education (40.6%). It was found that schooling is associated with representations of the health-disease process, and the age group is associated with perceptions of and satisfaction with the dental services rendered at the FO-UFPA School of Dentistry’s clinics. Regarding satisfaction with the services received at the clinics, the majority of respondents stated that they were satisfied (48.2%) or very satisfied (45.3%).
Conclusion: The FO-UFPA School of Dentistry’s clinics are sought out by different socioeconomic-cultural groups, with limited representations and definitions of the health-disease process, positive expectations, and satisfaction regarding the dental services rendered.
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