Scientific production in laser/LED in Brazilian dentistry from 2015 to 2019
Dental research, Meeting abstract, Lasers, Curing lights, dentalAbstract
Aim: To determine the profile of Brazilian publications in laser/ LED from 2015 to 2019.
Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted, using indirect documentation to analyze the papers presented at SBPqO meetings from 2015 to 2019.
Results: 563 abstracts involving the use of laser/LED were evaluated and subsequently classified according to higher education research institution, state where the research was conducted, dental specialty, and type of study. Most of the abstracts involving the laser/LED were concentrated in 2019 (21.7%), with low-power lasers being the most frequently used (54.1%). Most of the abstracts were concentrated in the State of São Paulo (67.3%), with the Southeast region containing the largest number of works (76.9%). Regarding the higher education institution, the state universities produced a larger number of the studies (47.8%). Restorative dentistry was the specialty that most developed studies in the laser/LED area (21.7%). Most abstracts (73.7%) were classified as basic laboratory research. Most of the selected studies received no financial support (54.7%). Among the funding agencies mentioned, the Research Support Foundations were the most prevalent (26.6%). Most studies did not mention the Research Ethics Committee (97.5%). There was a statistically significant association between public institutions and the receipt of funding (p < 0.005).
Conclusion: Most of the abstracts were identified in 2019, with a greater number of studies conducted in the State of São Paulo, in state institutions across the country, and in the specialty area of restorative dentistry. Laboratory-type studies were the most prevalent. Moreover, most studies received no funding for research.
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