Self-perception of oral health of the elderly in family health units in the Sanitary District III of João Pessoa-PB
Health (oral) public, Senior, Self-perceptionAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the self perception in oral health in old people not institutionalized from the Family Health Program, Health District III João Pessoa PB. 29 old people aged 65 to 74 (average 68.6 years old ± 3.67). The exams were made in the dental office of the HFP. The methodology for the criterion of the diagnostic for the carie and use and necessity of prosthesis was the one of Brazil (2001). For the analysis of oral health self perception was used the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). About 65% of the patients examined were edentulous. The average of the carie index was 29.59 ±4.95, being the m component the one with biggest representativeness. It was found that most of the elderly use of prosthesis specially the total superior (58.6%). Most of the elderly do not need superior prosthesis 62.1%, differently of the inferior arcade where only 41.4% does not need. Among the prosthesis, the total configured as the ones which have bigger use and necessity. It was not verified association statistically significant between the use of prosthesis and the self perception in mouth health by the index (GOHAI). Although it was possible to observe the association of the need of prosthesis and the index GOHAI (p=0.046). Most of the elderly presented low or moderate oral health self perception measured by the GOHAI. It is suggested the implementation of actions of promotion to the health directed to the elderly population, aiming to disseminate information about oral health and strengthen the bond of the team of family health while health promoter.
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