Oral manifestations in pediatrics leukemic patients
Oral manifestations, Leukemia, Pediatric, DentistryAbstract
Acute linfoblastic leukemia is the most common type of cancer in pediatric patients. This disease is characterized by presenting initial clinical manifestations and those stemming from antineoplasic treatment. The aim of this study was verify the prevalence of the general and oral clinical manifestations related to acute linfoblastic leukemia as well as of oral manifestations from antineoplasic therapy. In addition, this study also intended to emphasize the importance of this knowledge for dentistry professionals who treat these patients. Sixteen individuals, all patients undergoing antineoplasic treatment at Instituto de Hematologia and Hemoterapia and Casa da Criança /NACC-JP and who had been diagnosed with acute leukemia, were examined. Of the individuals studied, 75% were males, 62.5% were white, and the age varied from 3 to 17 years of age. The most common clinical manifestations included: fever, pallor, cervical lymphadenopathy, and bone pain. During the therapy period, oral manifestations found included: mucosite, traumatic petechia, and diffuse papillary atrophy. Dentists may provide a premature diagnosis of leukemia, since the initial clinical manifestations may appear in the oral cavity, and may also carry out the necessary treatment of manifestations stemming from antineoplasic treatment, thus promoting a reduction in morbidity and mortality and in turn improve the patients’ squality of life.
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