Caries experience, treatment needs, and family functioning in Brazilian preschool children
a case- control study
Dental caries, Child, Family relationshipsAbstract
Aim: This study sought to assess the relationship between caries experience, treatment needs for caries, and family functioning among 330 preschoolers in Recife, PE, Brazil.
Methods: Data were collected by a calibrated examiner, using four instruments: Questionnaire Data Socioeconomic- Demographic, Brazilian Economic Classification Criterion (ABEP) (2003), Scale for Assessment of Family Cohesion and Flexibility - FACES III and World Health Organization Clinical Examination Sheet. The case group consisted of children with a dmft index different than zero and with at least one decayed tooth, while the control group consisted of those children with no caries experience (dmft = 0). Statistical analysis included Pearson’s chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test. Results: The majority of the interviewed participants were mothers (73.0%), single, and pertained to the C and D socioeconomic classes. Most families presented a low degree of cohesion (72.4%) and moderate adaptability (51.5%). Regarding treatment needs (case group), 41.8% needed restorative treatment and 8.2 needed restorative, pulp, and/or surgical procedures. Caries experience was not associated with family functioning (p = 0.712 for cohesion and p = 0.432 adaptability). The same was true as regards treatment needs (p = 0.964 and p = 0.607, respectively).
Conclusion: Although no significant association was found between family functioning, caries experience, and treatment needs, the results concerning cohesion and adaptability levels highlight the need for support provided to families considered at risk, aimed at family organization as regards prevention strategies as well as investments in oral health care geared towards these families.
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