Students’ and teachers’ knowledge of ergonomic measurements
Professionals diseases, Ergonomics, Occupational healthAbstract
Objective: This research aimed to investigate the knowledge and use of ergonomic concepts applied to Odontology for students and teachers in university clinics from a Dental School.
Methods: This study investigates the realm of students registered in clinical disciplines (n=70) and the respective teachers (n=23) from the Dentistry course regarding ergonomic principles used in clinical routines. The incidence of painful symptomatology in the students was also researched by applying The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), which is a diagnostic tool. Data analyses were performed, both analytically and descriptively, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the analyses of association between the variables (Person).
Results: Regarding painful symptomatology, the highest percentage of involvement were found in the regions of the upper back (23.5%), seven days before the interview, and in the neck (22.6%), two months before the interview. Most of the interviewed teachers (65.2%) responded satisfactorily to the concept to ergonomics according to the International Association of Ergonomics. As regards the preventive measures used in this discipline, 56.5% answered that they do not use preventive measures regarding occupational diseases.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the concept of ergonomics among the participating students was incomplete, and the same concept of ergonomics, from in the teacher’s point of view, were mostly answered satisfactorily.
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