Anatomical gingival fibromatosis
a clinical case
Gingival fibromatosis, Gingival hyperplasiaAbstract
Gingival fibromatosis consists of non- neoplasic, proliferative lesions which are rare in the buccal cavity and are characterized by a slow and progressive gingival increase. These lesions can be classified as hereditary, irritative, medicinal, and anatomical. This article reports on the clinical case of a 56 year-old patient who presented gingival hyperplasia from the maxillary tuber molars extending to the posterior portion of the palate, bilaterally, with greater involvement on the right side. This lesion was characterized by a flat surface, consistent with a non- pedunculate and pale rose-colored manipulation. The treatment consisted of patient orientation regarding oral hygiene. The patient was also informed that if the lesion should affect the phonation and/or mastication processes, the possibility of surgical correction could also be considered.
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